Monday, March 15, 2010

Ideas for ART HOUSE Friday, March 26th

I know we were to post these on Blackboard, but I am not lying when I say I am computer illiterate! It is really to my detriment, and I must learn. I try to figure out what I can on my own, but if it isn't in black and white then I get frustrated! So, I apologize for my shortcomings and lack of understanding in the realm of technology.

Here are some potential ideas for our class for ART HOUSE:

We thought that having the room filled with sights, sounds, smells reminiscent of childhood would an interesting display for all senses. The familiar and warm smells of childhood (i.e. cookies, rolls) would beckon in the visitors. Tables covered in foods that it seems everybody recalls a mother or grandmother having made at some point in their lives, if not on a regular basis. Perhaps we should also include candies that were popular during our youth, which seem to be making a comeback and in their original packing! Upon entering the room each visitor would be given a note card. On the note card they will be asked to write down specific words describing the feelings they are forced to have based on the memories our room evokes, if any at all. Or, on the note cards, they could write down a specific childhood memory they are reverted back to based on our room.

Some modifications to this idea would be blindfolding the guest. He/she would be tested with different smells, sounds, and tastes and asked what feeling or memory it evokes, if any.
Within the tables that are covered in childhood favorite food, we could include the not so favorite food (i.e. microwave meals, liver (i am not cooking it!!!).

Perhaps to help us with this challenge, the class should answer this question: What is your favorite memory from childhood? Does is involve food, music, an event/holiday, and/or a specific item of clothing?
The answers to this question may help us to combine certain elements to create the "perfect memory" in which every can relate.

An idea to get visitors into our room is to have colored threads, lots of them, starting at different places within the art building (in close proximity to our room). Out of curiosity people would pick them up and the strings would lead them to our room where they (of different colors) would become more tangled. At the end of the string would be something????

Another idea was to have a typical "college party" with pizza and beer (assuming we can serve alcohol). Music would be loud, drawing curious people into our room where they will be greeting as if long-time friends. They will be encouraged to play beer pong, and/or any other typical party games...suggestions? Someone from our class (perhaps a photography major) could be taking would be great if we had a Polaroid for immediate gratification! Again, upon entry or even when leaving, the visitor will be asked to fill out a notecard and use one word to describe his or her experience.

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